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Ninon Burgos
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
Deep generative models for the detection of anomalies in brain PET images
Machine learning to exploit neuroimages in clinical data warehouses
Past research projects
PhD – Atlas-based methods for image synthesis
Postdoc – Joint segmentation and image synthesis
Postdoc – Individual analysis of PET images for the diagnosis of dementia
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Latest publications
Reproducibility in medical image computing: what is it and how is it assessed?
Confidence intervals uncovered: Are we ready for real-world medical imaging AI?
Detecting Brain Anomalies in Clinical Routine with the β-VAE: Feasibility Study on Age-Related White Matter Hyperintensities
Automated MRI Quality Assessment of Brain T1-weighted MRI in Clinical Data Warehouses: A Transfer Learning Approach Relying on Artefact Simulation
Automatic motion artefact detection in brain T1-weighted magnetic resonance images from a clinical data warehouse using synthetic data
Clinica, an open-source software to facilitate neuroimaging studies
Contrast-enhanced to non-contrast-enhanced image translation to exploit a clinical data warehouse of T1-weighted brain MRI
The intriguing effect of frequency disentangled learning on medical image segmentation
Leveraging healthy population variability in deep learning unsupervised anomaly detection in brain FDG PET